Garlic is a strong-smelling pungent tasting herb that is noted with many health benefits. Health benefits include combating the common cold, helping to lower blood pressure and fighting heart ailments and possibly neurodegenerative disorder.



small garlic clove as a huge storehouse of nutrients .it is an abundant source of vitamin b6 and vitamin C. apart from this it contains minerals like copper, selenium, sulphur compounds all the health benefits that we obtain from this alliums herb are due to the presence of sulphur compounds. it is said that garlic has almost 33 different types of sulphur compounds a variety of enzymes 17 types of amino acids and fiber. due to the presence of useful chemical compounds in high-percentage garlic provide us with the solution for many health issues.  On the other hand, its calorie content is very low, so daily consumption does not increase weight.


Garlic works as a natural antibacterial agent when it is fresh and raw. In the raw state, it contains allicin that kills the viruses and bacteria. So, eating clove of raw garlic just before our breakfast enables it to kill inflectional germs in the stomach. Not only that it helps our body to get rid of harmful toxins as it works as a strong antioxidant.


During season changes we all are prone to common cold and flu which makes us physically weak. consuming a raw garlic clove in the morning can help us to combat this situation as garlic boost up the immunity power as it is capable of fighting viruses and bacteria. so, it is recommended to ink raw garlic in your diet plan to boost up the immunity power so that the killer cells inside our system can damage all invaders


# improve heart health

Garlic supports us to maintain steady cardiovascular health. various researches have proclaimed that antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties in garlic reduced the risk of unwanted inflammation within blood arteries as inflammation can damage the inner wall of blood, if we consume 1 clove of raw garlic on an empty stomach before breakfast we can live on the safe zone and avoid the risk of forming plaque and even restrict the clogging inside the blood vessels.


Garlic has a wide range of users that helps us to stay fit and healthy one of which is to control the blood pressure level. Allicin which is the vital ingredient in garlic helps to regulate blood pressure levels. A research result reveals that a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure has been noticed in those who take allicin enriched food such as garlic daily a fresh clove of raw garlic contains almost 5 milligrams to 9 milligrams of allicin.


A small clove of garlic daily could be helpful for those who are tired of taking medicines to control insulin levels. Garlic has a compound which is called a allyl propyl disulfides along with S – allyl cysteine sulfoxide and allicin that improves insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes patients.


Indigestion as A Common Issue for All of Us and It Increases as We Grow Old the Inclusion of Fresh Raw Garlic Clove at The Beginning of The Day Can Be Helpful to Sort Out A Permanent Solution to This Problem. Nature Has Bestowed Anti-Inflammation Properties in This Herb Which Can Improve the Irregular Function of Our Intestine. So, Whether We Are Suffering from Diarrhea, Colitis Chronic Dysentery, Garlic Has the Power to Cure the Problem by Eliminating the Harmful Bacteria.  Moreover, Garlic Influences the Secretion of Various Gastric Juices Appropriately and Reduces the Inflammation in The Digestive Canals.


